Discount Codes

Current Discount Codes (effective October 20, 2023):

One code only per order.  

Enjoy the following BAR SOAP discounts with my compliments:

    4 Large Bars  -- 8% discount -- Code:  care

5 - 7 Large Bars -- 10% discount -- Code:  skin

8 - 12 Large Bars -- 12% discount -- Code:  more

13+   Large Bars -- 15% discount -- Code: lover

Not valid for soap Variety Packs, Collections, Closeouts or other already discounted bundles.  Thank you and enjoy your soap!


Enjoy 20% discount on any size order -- Code:  local
Select:  Local Pickup/Delivery to waive the shipping fee.

PLEASE contact me if the codes are not working  Thank you.

We reserve the right to cancel an order if it is determined the codes malfunctioned in our sole discretion.  Thank you.